SFA - Scottish Football Association
SFA stands for Scottish Football Association
Here you will find, what does SFA stand for in Firm under Sports category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Scottish Football Association? Scottish Football Association can be abbreviated as SFA What does SFA stand for? SFA stands for Scottish Football Association. What does Scottish Football Association mean?Scottish Football Association is an expansion of SFA
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Alternative definitions of SFA
- Sabena Flight Academy
- Sales Force Automation
- Saturated Fatty Acids
- Scientific Atlanta, Inc.
- Success For All
- Securities and Futures Authority
- School Food Authority
- Salesforce Automation
View 136 other definitions of SFA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SDMTS San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
- SWI Safeguard World International
- SFPS Santa Fe Public Schools
- SFIC State Farm Insurance Companies
- SHL Snowy Hydro Limited
- SMI Sentry Management Inc.
- SWC South West College
- SORL Sprague Operating Resources LLC
- SFU Southern Federal University
- SMCH Specialized Medical Center Hospital
- SUB Stamford University Bangladesh
- SSMH South Shore Mental Health
- SSA Service Systems Associates
- STL Style Textile Limited
- SLMPD St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department
- SWH Senior Whole Health
- SRS Senior Rehab Solutions
- SL Students for Liberty
- SACS Somerset Academy Charter Schools
- SRA Swaziland Revenue Authority